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Recently, the first Belt and Road Conference on Science and Technology Exchange was held in Southwest China's Chongqing. Themed "Together for Innovation, Development for All," the conference is co-hosted by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering, China Association for Science and Technology, Chongqing Municipal People's Government, and Sichuan Provincial People's Government. It has attracted over 300 prominent foreign guests from more than 80 countries, regions, and international organizations, along with nearly 500 domestic participants, including experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs. 


The conference covered topics such as government-to-government scientific and technological cooperation, scientific and technological humanities exchange, industrial innovation development, paradigm shifts in scientific research, future medicine, open science, and big data. The event comprised five major sections, including the opening ceremony, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) sci-tech innovation ministerial meeting, theme activities, roundtables and results display, and tech main activities.

“一带一路”共建国家有哪些科技合作机遇?贵州如何利用数字经济产业优势,推动国际创新合作、实现共赢?本期视频邀请欧洲科学院院士、瑞士大数据与网络科学中心主任张翼成和香港中文大学图书馆馆长文奈尔(Benjamin Meunier)共话国际科技合作新趋势,跟着主播一起打卡这场科技交流盛会吧!

What are the technological cooperation opportunities for countries participating in the 'Belt and Road Initiative'? How can Guizhou leverage its advantages in the digital economic industry to promote international innovation collaboration? In this video, we invite Zhang Yicheng, Academician of the European Academy and Director of the Swiss Center for Big Data, along with Benjamin Meunier, the University Librarian of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, to talk about the new direction in international scientific and technological cooperation. Join us to know more about the conference!


田博 韦雨辛 刘义鹏

编辑 何涛

二审 李劼

三审 刘丹