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Go with Tatiana|我在贵州找到了“我的阿勒泰” I found “To the Wonder” in Guizhou


I’m now watching a Chinese TV series named To the Wonder, which depicts stories about shepherds in Xinjiang’s Altay. A recitation from a profound earth, composed of plateau, meadow, Gobi and snow mountains in Altay, empowers me to discover the wonder of mountains and gorges.





In Guizhou, you can also find your “Altay”, which is called “Diaoshuiyan Waterfall”. Located at Nayong County, Bijie City of Guizhou, it takes about 2.5 hours by car from Guiyang, the capital city of Guizhou. Here, you can enjoy the authentic beauty of nature for free.





Diaoshuiyan Waterfall is an incredibly magical place with beautiful valleys, crystal clear rivers, and rich animal and plant resources. Every step of the way we walked, emerald green grass, the crystal clean mountain river and waterfall, tall pine trees, cattles grazing on the river bank offered us a new and unexplored level of happiness.



Снимок экрана 2024-05-21 в 08 (1).jpeg


Whether you’re a travel lover or an outdoor enthusiast, you will always find something to surprise you in Guizhou. This summer, welcome to Guizhou!






Kucherova Tatiana

视频 通讯员 程国栋

编译 贵州日报天眼新闻记者 赖盈盈

编辑 陈大炜

编审 庞博