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Guizhou ready for 20th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair|第二十届文博会 贵州近60家企业整装待发


The 20th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair will be held in Shenzhen, South China's Guangdong province, from May 23 to 27. The exhibition group of Southwest China's Guizhou province will include about nearly 60 companies.


The Guizhou pavilion will include six major sections: world-class tourist attractions, Red-Army-related culture, Yangming culture, Tunpu culture, ethnic culture, and cultural and sports tourism integration.


Companies focusing on intangible cultural heritage products, cultural and tourism technology, cultural classics, innovation and entrepreneurship products, and digital creativity will showcase their best products.


Li Peng, the sales manager of Guizhou Gui Tea Group, said that the group will bring 17 tea products such as black tea, green tea, white tea, and matcha to the fair.


In addition to selling tea on-site, tea masters will demonstrate how to make matcha, with the group hoping to promote Guizhou matcha through the fair.


During the exhibition, many cultural and tourism enterprises from Guizhou will engage in various activities to showcase their achievements in the preservation and development of Guizhou's cultural and tourism industry, sell cultural and creative products, demonstrate production techniques, and promote the high-quality development of the cultural and tourism industries.



Editor: Chen Dawei

Senior Editor: PangBo