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Over 3,000 participants mark China Tourism Day in Guizhou | 贵州贵阳举行民族巡游大联欢


More than 3,000 people from different parts of southwestern China's Guizhou province paraded the streets of Guiyang, its capital city, on the eve of China Tourism Day, which falls on Sunday.


Participants from different cities and prefectures of Guizhou, as well as the 10 districts of Guiyang, donned signature costumes of their respective ethnic groups and formed 29 phalanxes. They marched along the route decorated with three parade-themed installations featuring Guizhou's ethnic culture, historical heritage, fashion of different periods, and tourism characteristics.


A performance gala promoting the folk songs and dances of different ethnic groups took place alongside other supporting activities.


Source: ChinaDaily

Editor: Zhang Hanwen

Senior Editor: MinJie