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Guiyang and Gui'an to hold over 300 public fitness events in 2024 | “全民健身与奥运同行”2024贵阳贵安全民健身赛事活动计划表全新发布


According to the Guiyang bureau of sports, the 2024 public fitness event schedule for Guiyang City and Gui'an New Area has been released, which includes over 300 activities.


The events will consist of public sports events, community sports meetings, fitness themed activities, and branded events at the national, provincial, municipal, and district (county-level city, county) levels. These activities will be held both online and on-site throughout the year.


Over 300 public fitness events will be organized to further meet the diverse participation needs of the masses, stimulate enthusiasm for participating in sports activities, and promote the construction of a higher-level public service system for national fitness.


Guiyang and Gui'an will focus on three aspects: upgrading their event level, increasing the number of participants from outside the city, and enhancing their event brands.


They are set to host or organize 28 nationally-influential public fitness events this year, including the 2024 Guiyang Marathon, the 2024 Cool Guiyang Esports Competition, the 2024 Guiyang International Tennis Open, and the 2024 China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week Weiqi Invitational Tournament.


These events are expected to promote social and economic development through national fitness, while also cultivating new growth areas for sports consumption.



Editor: Chen Dawei

Senior Editor: MinJie

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