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ShakoOutlook︱胜利在望!这条“贵州造”的格鲁吉亚高速有9公里通车了 The first big success of Guizhou Group-opening ceremony of 9 km Zestaponi bypass



On April 26, 2024, a new 9-kilometer bypass highway was opened on the E60 international highway F4 Section, near the city of Zestafoni, which includes 4 tunnels and 15 bridges. The works were carried out for several years by “Guizhou Highway Engineering Group, co.” Georgian branch.


The Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Kobakhidze 格鲁吉亚总理伊拉克利·科巴希泽 (图片由作者提供).jpg

Irakli Kobakhidze, the Prime Minister of Georgia 格鲁吉亚总理伊拉克利·科巴希泽(图片由作者提供)

The Zestafoni bypass is an important junction on the E60 highway, because in recent years the city could not hear traffic flows and traffic jams were often created, and now it takes only 5-6 minutes to pass the existing new highway.


Irakli Karseladze, the minister of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgi 格鲁吉亚区域发展和基础设施部部长(图片由作者提供).jpg

Irakli Karseladze, the minister of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia 格鲁吉亚区域发展和基础设施部部长伊拉克利·卡瑟拉泽(图片由作者提供)

The construction works were commissioned by the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, and the project was financially supported by the Asian Development Bank.



Representative from China 中方参加仪式的代表(图片由作者提供)

At first glance, the 9-kilometer road should not have been very difficult and full of challenges, although the Caucasus is a geologically quite complex region. The E60, F4 section covers only 14.7 kilometers, although this short section includes qualitatively different rocks and slopes. The drilling and blasting works of breccias and tuff-breccias, where tunnel portals and bridge piers were arranged, made the work difficult to produce road sections in the vicinity of the population, which are always full of challenges and require a careful and empathetic attitude, so that the large infrastructure project does not cause the population to disturb the calm pace of life and does not miss sustainable development plans.


E60 Highway F4 Project E60高速F4标 (图片由作者提供).png

E60 Highway F4 Project E60高速F4标(图片由作者提供)

From the Sustainable Development Goals and to comply with international construction standards, noise, dust and vibration were actually monitored daily to plan each subsequent work based on previous experience.


E60 Highway F4 Project E60高速F4标 (图片由作者提供)3.png

E60 Highway F4 Project E60高速F4标(图片由作者提供)

In the end, the company successfully opened the 9-kilometer section of the fourth lot, the opening ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister of the country, the first persons of the ministries and representatives of the diplomatic agency. The result of almost 4 years of work has already been tangible, and the entire Caucasus transport sector can continue to use the E60 highway, which is the first successful project of Guizhou Highway Engineering Group in the Caucasus region.


Shalva Chikhladze

翻译 赖盈盈

编辑 赖盈盈

编审 闵捷 田旻佳