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One Voice Children's Choir unveils music video dedicated to Shanghai|这群美国青少年唱了一首“献给上海的歌”

The music video for "Golden Hour," which features the US children's choir One Voice and Shanghai's top attractions, has been released to showcase the city's openness, innovation and inclusiveness to the world. "Because of the memories and the experiences that we had here, this song is now always going to be connected to Shanghai, to China," said Masa Fukuda, director of One Voice Children's Choir.

为了展示上海这座城市对世界的开放、创新和包容,美国知名儿童合唱团One Voice以上海多个知名地标为背景,演唱了定制城市MV《Golden Hour(金色时刻)》。儿童合唱团的主任福田正(Masa Fukuda)说:“因为我们在这里的回忆和经历,这首歌现在将永远与上海、与中国联系在一。”

Source: People's Daily

Editor: Lai Yingying

Senior Editor: Pang Bo