Fiery Traditions Light Up Guizhou |火光四射!传统民间技艺点亮贵州夜空
- 作者:王旗 缇娅娜 周尧
- 来源:当代先锋网
- 发布时间:2024-09-20 10:21:27
Last night, the Fenglin Buyi Scenic Area in Xingyi City, Guizhou, was ablaze with traditional fire-related performances! From the dazzling Fire Pot (Huo Hu) show to the spectacular Iron Flower Casting (Da Tie Hua), it was an unforgettable celebration of light, heat, and heritage.
These ancient arts are deeply rooted in the belief that “Fire wards off evil spirits, bringing peace to all households” (火除邪祟,百家安宁), showcasing the enduring power of fire in Chinese folklore. A magical night full of fiery beauty!
王旗 缇娅娜 周尧
编辑 陈大炜
二审 闵捷
三审 庞博